Subscriber Preferences and List Management Tools

How do I recover a forgotten password?

What Preferences do I have for my Mail List(s)?

You can configure individual preferences for each mail list you are a member.  

  1. Click on the mail list name you want to configure your preferences.

  2. Click the  link in the left navigation menu.
  3. Edit your Name, Receiving mode and you membership visibility for this mail list.


  4. Receiving modes include:
  5. Click  to save your preferences.

Mail List Topics

  1. If the mail list owner defined topics for the list, you will be able to check the topics of interest.  Just click the check box next to the topic(s) of your interest and you will only receive email from the list for that topic.
    1. Check the box next to the topic of interest or click the checkbox next to Disable topics subscriptions to receive all email sent to the mail list. 
    2. Click  to save your preferences.

Suspend Subscription

As a subscriber you can suspend their subscription for a period of time or indefinitely.   

Note:  If you decide to suspend your membership indefinitely, it may be best to just unsubscribe by clicking the  link in left navigation menu.

Setting your picture for this list

If you are so inclined, you can associate an image with your subscriber account for this list.   Simply, choose a file and submit.